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Arm Workout At Home For Weight Loss And Better Biceps And Triceps

by Anshuman Sen

Arm Workout At Home

If you are a fitness enthusiast, or someone trying to lose weight, there is no denying the fact that you need to focus on resistance training. The arms are definitely a group of muscles that one would want to tone to look perfect and proportionate. If you are a cyclist or a swimmer then it is very important to have strong arms with a strong set of legs.

Most of us struggle to find time to go to a gym. I myself found it very difficult to consistently find time to go to a gym. So when I pulled off a 27 Kilo weight loss in 6 months without going to a gym or drinking any magic portions I decided to create and share videos of my workout regime.

Here is my usual workout regime for arms. Usually a 30-minute circuit I do twice or thrice a week.

Why Should one train and workout the arms?

Well, training the arms is a very important factor for weight loss. Arms make up a very large muscle group with the biceps, triceps and the forearms. When you workout, you are causing micro-tears in the muscles which the body gets to repairing and utilizes a decent enough of energy. This repair process goes on for 24-48 hours post the workout. So unlike your cardio workouts like jogging and cycling, your body is consuming calories even post the workout.

If you are a cyclist or swimmer, you need strong muscles to support your body weight and propel you. A lot of cyclists face pain in the arm post cycling. Swimmers need to have strong arms to help them swim better.

None the less working on the upper body will help you cut down on your fat.

Arm Workout at Home

For these arm workout at home, all you would need is either a dumbbell or my favorite is a resistance band.

These exercises focus on the biceps, triceps and the forearms.

For starters, one can start with 2 sets of 8 reps each and then progress weekly to 3-5 sets with 12-15 reps each.


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